Monday, August 4, 2008


Iam giving my selections and tips to my friends for the last 15 years and mainly over phone.
I used to spend more on my STD bills to get information from Mumbai, pune, Bangalore,Hyderabad.After internet has come I was giving to my friends and followers through email. Now blogs are becoming popular iam also giving in my I don’t call my friends but they take it from my blog.
Iam creating a list of my followers or those who are interested to see my selections.
It will be easy to interact with them.
Some times it may not be possible to give my selections in the blog due to some urgent jobs,power, time availability and many other reasons.
Some times there wont be time to prepare the matter for the blog.
So I request all the blog viewers to send me mail to ,
So that mail can be sent to all of them at a time giving selections,tips, and any other information which I get.
It will be easy for me to send the mail at a time to all interested members whenever iam not in station. it can be done through my friends also so that disappointment wont be there.
You can send your comments and suggestions so that more improvement can be done.
There are different types of punters and some want only favourites and some want higher odds horses. For different people according to their requirement some thing can be done.
You can see in our selections some favourites will not be there, instead of mentioning EAT, I don’t give it in the selections. We don’t give certain avoidable horses in our selections and these can omitted for jackpot and treble. Very rarely some upsets not known to anybody wins. Why we should be after that.
Thank you

1 comment:

wc2007 said...

Hi these are my selections for Bangalore Race Day No. 25 after applying my Blue Magic and Dirt Bag Selection Strategy unique to me.

Race No. 1 Affirmed Crown, Abs Fabs
(Affirmed Crown is absolutely blazing the tracks
and should be able to tackle Abs Fabs here)

Race No. 2 Ziggy Stardust (Place on tote - 4 places)

Race No. 3 Hall Mark, Sun Device
(Hall Mark is unbeatable in this set)

Race No. 4 Touch of Magic, Attaturk, Sunny Colors

Race No. 5 Rio Bravo, Einstein, Jersey Pride

Race No. 6 Colonel Duff, Raider's Sun, Top of the Class

Race No. 7 Equidae, Cart Wheel, Succeeding Star

Race No. 8 Panchakshari, Logans Run, Apertini

Day's Best - Equidae
Good Double - Affirmed Crown
Hall Mark

Good Lucky To All

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