Sunday, November 9, 2008

Speed Rating for 9th November, 2008 - Hyderabad Races

Hi Folks,

Auxiliary winner of her last two outings pulling up, should repeat in the Kasu Brahmananda Reddy Memorial Cup (1,200m), the main event of the races to be held today. Classic Art should add spice to the finish. Only one factor which may stop Auxiliary from winning today i.e. increase in weight else a good chance to score here. Classic Art may try to upset the favourite hence one can place it at good odds. My speed ratings for the remaining races are as follows:

Race No. 1:

Secret Asset looks good hence play win/place. The wound up track given by Harish on 6.11. suggest it is ready to win.

Race No. 2:

Anganna 593
Page Three 576
Roayl Code 572
Superfluous 568

Race No. 3:

Nanowar 590
Birdie 586
Cannon Shot 578
Corps Command 577
Red Carpet 573

Race No. 4:

Sikander Alam 560
Mizzna 559
Hardcore 545
Allegation 542

Race No. 5:

Auxiliary 641
Classic Art 635
Rajvweer 631
Star Composer 623

Race No. 6:

Feudal Lords 591
Iceman 591
Golden Tricks 588
Habituated 584
True Fashion 564
Venturous 563

Race No. 7:

Storm Command 590
Amontillado 574
Change Of Loyalty 571
China Pearl 565

Race No. 8:

Mi Jhinkle 575
Bundle of Roses 567
Portfolio 564

Good Luck to all,

Thanking you,


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