Saturday, August 15, 2009

ALEXUS for The PRA Independence Trophy

Hi Folks,

A Classy field of seventeen runners has been declared to start in the PRA Independence Trophy the feature event for the day. Alexus trained by veteran Bezan Chinoy who always has concentration for most of the trophy events has the best credentials to win this trophy after giving an educational run last time out with this trophy event in view. The closest danger will be Thanda which has come down a class specifically with this cup in view and also had demonstrated good turn of foot last time. With extra 200m to suit her the most will be a grave danger to all. The Highland Rule Trophy the added attraction for the day looks to be an open affair wherein anybody positioned well during the race can win. Still on last performance I strongly recommend an each way bet on Chimerique which in a shorter version of a race last time out came with a flourish to finsih a reasonable fourth and had demonstrated a trial run for a big event. To-day with an extended trip, will suit her the most and can give Ikaria a good fight. My remaining speed ratings for the day are as follows:

Race No. 1:

Elemento Trance 598
Jolteon 588
Upnorth 589
Sara Jahan 583
Chopasni 560
Chief Warrior 560

Race No. 2:

Captain Smart 658
Baskerville 649
Creme De La Creme 628
Our Fortune 622

Race No. 3:

Desert Fire 583
Flying Spirit 578
Gift Of Grace 576
Saarah 564

Race No. 4:

Chimerique 684
Ikaria 682
Pyster Princess 670
Spitz 665
Veera Wang 663
Equidae 660
Ming 631

Race No. 5:

Red Chilli 675
Phosphor 670
Check Her Out 664
Perpetuation 664
Tattenhoer 660
Zen 607

Race No. 6:

Alexus 577
Thanda 571
Rattle 568
Ecstatica 565
Western Challenge 551
The Giant 542

Race No. 7:

Encouragement 677
Generalissmo 677
Slickkit 670

Race No. 8:

Dangerous Belle 644
Black Partridge 597
Real Dream 597
he First Lady 594


Good Kainchi w/pl : Chimerique,Alexus,Sierra Vista & Dangerous Belle

Good luck to all,

Thanking you,


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