Sunday, August 9, 2009

ONE MISSION for The Stewards Cup

Hi Folks,

One Mission appeals most among the nine runners in the fray for the Stewards Cup, the main event of the races to be held here to-day. One Mission had a lung opener in RNo.40 wherein it placed 5th. It has a good chance to win from the much improved Spy Mate who finished impressive 2nd in RNo.8. My remaining speed ratings for the day are as follows:

Race No. 1:

Kansas City Mac 601
Southern Rose 599
Queen Of Sheeba 579
Armada 539

Race No. 2:

Ride To Glory 604
A Fire Work 579
Hundred Flowers 562

Race No. 3:

Vijaysena 521
See You There 519
Dash On Class 517
Golden Tricks 514

Race No. 4:

Scamper 549
Grand Rapids 521

Race No. 5:

Wuwei 591
Garrison Chief 581
Kohinoor Star 532
Dating 524

Race No. 6:
(To be run at Mumbai)
Duke Of Windsor 669
Sea Ruler 669
Amore Mio 665
River Blossom 660Messalina 660
Blue Danube 660
Astral 631

Race No. 7:

One Mission 612
Spy Mate 592
Doing My Best 585

Race No. 8:

Sprint Champ 549
Practical Physics 547

Day's Best : AVE MARIA

Good Double : Ave Maria and One Mission

Good luck to all,

Thanking you,


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