Friday, June 10, 2011



Legend Reborn( a maiden) in its 7 attempts over this distance has only placed once.Beautiful Dancer & Smart Edition (maidens) in their 3 attempts over this distance have placed once.Sourab ( a maiden) in its 5 attempts over this distance has not even placed.Spark Of Diablo( a place maiden) has attempted this distance thrice.Ariana( another place maiden) has attempted this distance once.Corbett Queen( again a place maiden) has attempted this distance 7 times.Thundering Don( yet another place maiden) has attempted this distance 8 times and lastly Star Of Stars( another place maiden) has attempted this distance 5 times.Absence is the sole winner and that too over this distance and is the best overall performer.Beautiful Life & Smart Edition share the best current distance place %.Smart Edition has been favoured by the handicapper by 1 kg.Spark Of Diablo & Star Of Stars have positive shoe change


Lad King & Gold Venture(maidens) and Samajdar,Shades Of Scarlet & Alpine Shine ( place maidens) in their solo attempt over this distance have not even placed.Sudden Magic( another place maiden) has attempted this distance twice.Angad( a place maiden) is attempting this distance for the first time.Ann Arbor(a maiden) has attempted this distance twice.Frame Partner in its 9 runs over this distance has not even placed  is racing after 91 days without any trackwork. Shades Of Scarlet has been favoured by the handicapper.Frame Partner has the best total win % and Lad King the best total place %.Black Super Star has the best current distance win & place % and is the best overall performer.Sudden Magic & Ann Arbor are tracking well.Samajdar has positive shoe change & Shades Of Scarlet has negative change of shoe


Silver Court( a maiden) in its 5 attempts over this distance has placed once.Wishkey( a place maiden) has attempted this distance twice.Lampon in its 5 attempts over this distance has not even placed.Sachimore( a maiden) in its 4 attempts over this distance has placed once.Smooth Glider & Atomic Queen( place maidens) have attempted this distance thrice.Smooth Glider is racing after 91 days without any trackwork.Manthara in its 16 attempts over this distance has not won but has placed thrice.Aanchals Pride( a place maiden) in its three runs over this distance has not even placed.Lampon has the best total win % and Silver Court has the best total place %.Man United has the best current distance win % and Sachimore the best current distance place %.The best overall performer is Man United.Wishkey and Sachimore have positive shoe change


Radical Attraction,Southern Bay,Delta Delight,Rosies Dream( both maidens) ,Emerald King ( a place maiden) & Grand Success are attempting this distance for the first time.Indravati has attempted this distance thrice and has not even placed.Silver Springs & Southern Bay are tracking well.Sky Rider( a maiden) in its solo attempt over this distance has not even placed.Aston Park in its 4 attempts over this distance has not even placed.Blue Star( a maiden) in its 2 attempts over this distance has placed once and has a negative shoe change.Delta Delight( a maiden.Rosie's Dream has been given a 2 kg advantage by the handicapper.Radical Attraction has the best total win & place %.Silver Springs has the best current distance win & place %.Blue Star shares the best cuurent distance place % with Silver Springs.The best overall performer is Radical Attraction


Criminal Lawyer in its 5 attempts over this distance has not won but placed twice.Cavalry Charge and Clear Mandate are tracking well.Hatsuhanaa has been given a 1 kg ,Valahak 1.5 kg & Accurate has been given a 2.5 Kg advantage respectively.Valahak in its solo attempt over this distance has not even placed.Immense has the best total & current distance win % and Clear Mandate & Accurate share the total best place %.Accurate shares the best current distance place % with Immense which is the best overall performer


Caprioska in its two attempts over this distance has not won but placed once.Kilimanjaro in its solo attempt over this distance has not even placed.Six Gun Smith in its 2 attempts over this distance has not even placed.Sunstorm is attempting this distance for the first time and is tracking well.Elite Land is also attempting this distance for the first time.Emerald in its 2 runs over this distance has not won but has placed both the times.Alexander Helios & Emerald have negative change of shoes but both have been given advantage of more than 3 kgs by the handicapper.Hard To Pin Down & Royal Surprise have positive shoe change.Hard To Pin Down has been given a 1.5 Kg advantage.


Win Again in its solo attempt over this distance has not even placed and has been given 1 kg advantage.Affirmative is attempting this distance for the first time.Hillsboro,River Side & Affirmative are tracking well.Dance To The Tune in its two attempts over this distance has not won but has placed both times and has been given 2.5 kg advantage.River Side in its 2 attempts over this distance has not even placed and has been giver 1 kg advantage.Oceanic Wind in its 9 attempts over this distance has not even placed and has been given 1.5 kg advantage.Spark Of Sapphire in its 2 attempts over thiis distance has not won but placed once.Win Again,Spark Of Silver & Spark Of Sapphire have positive change of shoes and Chronicle has negative change of shoe.Hillsboro has the best total & Current distance win & place % and is the best overall performer


The race is for maidens.Rainbow Sky & Javanica are attempting this distance for the first time.Sun Rich in Its 3 attempts over this distance has not won but placed once.The Guardian is tracking well.Quick Silver in its solo attempt over this distance has not even placed.Brabus Speed is racing after 77 days and Perfect Attitude & Aspect Of Love after 84 days ,In The Spotlight after 85 days and all the four without any track work.Saphira in its 3 attempts over this distance has not won but has placed once and has positive change of shoes.Sun Rich & Saphira share the best performance

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